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Greetings Members all,

When I first joined the Elks, I knew I had found a home/place where I belonged. I loved (and still love) what the Elks stand for and all the good they do for those in need. Not only that, but all the members of Plymouth Ann Arbor Lodge 325 were so warm and welcoming.

Becoming involved was never a matter of “if.” It was always a matter of “how much.” The more I became involved, the more I wanted to stay involved. But never in my wildest dreams did I think I would ascend to the role of Exalted Ruler. How could I walk in the giant footsteps of those who have come before me and live up to the standards that they have set? When I look around the lodge, I am in awe of the amazing leadership that we have and I believe that the officers/trustees we have in place for 2024-2025 will continue in that tradition.

Your lodge has a lot of exciting things in store for you. We will wrap up hosting the National Elks Bowling Tournament in April, a Mother’s Day breakfast/service, and a Kentucky Derby party in May. Then, sprinkle in our bi-weekly meetings, social nights, and Jazz/Blues concerts, and that means that there will be something to do at your lodge every week of the month. I would love to see our lodge packed for every event.

I look forward to serving the members of this lodge as we continue to grow. I hope that each of you will find a role that excites you within our lodge and that you will get involved and join me in this journey. If there is ever anything I can do for any of you, please do not hesitate to reach out.

Thank you for the trust you have placed in me.

Marc Godman Exalted Ruler